Keyword Album: Third World
Date: 03/31/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 14 items
Nice Idea, but How Does It Help Climate Change?
Date: 11/30/2022
Views: 5882
Keywords: COP 27, climate change conference, global warming, developing world, Third World, flooding, flood, flooded, sea walls, cash, money
Gaseous Vengeance
Date: 01/14/2013
Views: 9367
Keywords: Biofuels, petroleum, gas, oil, McDonald's, Guatemala, Third World, poverty, food prices, land shortages, energy policy, gasoline, revenge, fart, babies, gas station
11-18-11: The Day Everything Changed
Date: 11/25/2011
Views: 14068
Keywords: poverty, poor, near poor, destitute, class warfare, starbucks, rich, wealth, traitor, war on poverty, war on terrorism, bush, newspaper, third world, obama, freedoms, fortune 500, #2 man, layoffs, torture
Advances in Third World Healthcare
Date: 11/09/2011
Views: 9687
Keywords: NGOs, Afghanistan, Healthcare, Developing world, Third World, Charities, Medical Care, Medicine, Doctors, Ailments, Predator Drone, Missile, Bombing
Nothing New Here
Date: 05/20/2011
Views: 13876
Keywords: IMF, International Monetary Fund, Sofitel, Rape, Maid, Hotel, NYPD, New York Police Department, Structural Adjustment Policies, Austerity Plans, Predatory Lending, Third World Debt, Capitalism, Banking, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, France, Socialist Party, PSF
Less is a Hell of a Lot More
Date: 09/14/1996
Views: 16379
Keywords: Outsourcing, Globalization, Haiti, Disney, Foreign Workers, Third World, Bill Clinton, Bob Dole, Mazda Miata, Cable TV, Housing, Cars, Dictators, Duvalier, Groceries, Cost of Living, Salaries, Exploitation
Huddles Masses Longing for $5/Hr
Date: 10/23/1997
Views: 11051
It Takes a Globe to Raze and Pillage
Date: 05/09/1999
Views: 8903
America, Explained
Date: 09/30/2000
Views: 12057