Keyword Album: c
Date: 03/06/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 6472 items
Bush Stops Staying the Course
Date: 10/31/2006
Views: 7013
Keywords: Stay, Course, Stay the Course, Iraq, War, Terror, Terrorism, War on Terrorism, Bush, George W. Bush, Kill, Torture
U.S. to Iraq: Quit Slacking
Date: 10/29/2006
Views: 10323
Keywords: Slacking, Iraq, War, Terrorism, War on Terrorism, Clinton, Bush, Sanctions, 1990s, Bombings, Torture, Hunger, Infrastructure, Iraqification
Iraqi Benchmarks for Success
Date: 10/27/2006
Views: 14081
Keywords: Iraq, War, Terror, War on Terror, Terrorism, War on Terrorism, Benchmarks, Failure, Success, Metrics, Rumsfeld, Department of Defense, Generals, Military, Months, Years, Rocks, Attacks, Insurgents, Marriages, Gay Marriage, Gravity, Death Rate, Birth Rate
Why Hast Thou Forsaken Us?
Date: 10/24/2006
Views: 7496
Keywords: Evangelical, Evangelists, James Dobson, Bush, President, Christians, Christianity, Jesus, Christ, Jerry Falwell, Reverend, Pat Robertson
Sharks, P.C. Style
Date: 10/22/2006
Views: 10478
Keywords: Shark, Sharks, Hammerheads, Threshers, Great Whites, Political Correctness, PC, P.C., Rhetoric, Hate Speech, Animals, Fish, Diversity, New York, Infest, Infested
What Should You Do If You're Sick?
Date: 10/02/2006
Views: 7782
Don't Ask, Don't Look
Date: 10/20/2006
Views: 11650
Keywords: Gary Brickner, Afghanistan, New York Times, Letter, Letter to the Editor, Military Service, Shame, Sacrifice, Eye Contact, Eye, Newark, Airport, Army, Military, Draft, War, Terrorism, War on Terror, Bush, President, Glass
Preemptive Logic
Date: 10/17/2006
Views: 11307
Keywords: Preemption, Afghanistan, Iraq, North Korea, Iran, PNAC, Neocons, Neoconservatism, War, War on Terror, Nuclear Weapons, Proliferation, Distraction, Threat, WMDs, WMD, Weapons, Atomic
The Generalissmo Confronts a Real Threat
Date: 10/14/2006
Views: 13382
Keywords: Bush, Kim Jung Il, Kim Jung-Il, Korea, North Korea, Generalissimo, Smoosh, Bug, Iraq, Afghanistan, Nuclear, Atomic, Bomb, Weapon, WMD, WMDs, Weapons, Destruction, World War III, Carpet, Transoxiana, Mesopotamia, Conquerer, Real Threat, Proliferation