Keyword Album: Pentagon
Date: 03/31/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 39 items
Robo Sapiens
Date: 07/15/2013
Views: 9776
Keywords: cyborgs, Terminator, humanoid robots, technology, artificial intelligence, DARPA, Pentagon, Department of Defense, dystopia, drones, militarization, militarism, Atlas, robo sapiens
Rapist Nation
Date: 05/11/2013
Views: 8520
Keywords: military, Pentagon, sex, sexual assault, rape, love drone, recruiter, war, militarism, Catholic Church, pedophilia
Ten Years into the Iraq War
Date: 03/22/2013
Views: 11383
Keywords: Paul Wolfowitz, neoconservatives, Doug Feith, Richard Perle, Thomas Friedman, Colin Powell, WMDs, Iraq, war, Saddam Hussein, Al Qaeda, war on terror, Bush, Cheney, American Enterprise Institute, Center for National Security Strategies, CIA, Pentagon, thin
Friendly Fire
Date: 10/17/2012
Views: 15547
Keywords: war on terrorism, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Yemen, drone planes, Hellfire missiles, Predator drones, awards, medals, Pentagon, friendly fire, driverless cars, laptop, computers, militarism
A Hyperlink Too Far
Date: 03/16/1998
Views: 9978
Keywords: internet, world wide web, cyber warfare, military, pentagon, encyrption, hackers, java, virus, virtual war, boston creme, geeks
Why Does America Hate Us So Much?
Date: 09/13/2001
Views: 13884
Keywords: 9/11, world trade center, pentagon, palestine, why they hate ys, muslims, dot, camel jockeys, iraq, sudan, aspirin plant, missile strikes, israel
Torture Oracle
Date: 05/25/2002
Views: 8200
Canyon of Heroes
Date: 12/02/2002
Views: 10341
Keywords: 9/11, pentagon, world trade center, united flight 93, flight 11, homeland security, bush, defense contractors, airlines, unions, eli lilly, autism, recession, tax cuts
Strategic Location
Date: 10/09/1992
Views: 4098