Keyword Album: DOD
Date: 03/05/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 15 items
First, Do No Harm to My Legal Status
Date: 04/12/2023
Views: 6179
Keywords: Abortion, abortion, ban, Roe v. Wade, supreme court Dodd decision, exception, right of the mother, life of the mother, red state, afterlife, operating room, death
Lies Begin at Political Conception
Date: 10/24/2022
Views: 6972
Keywords: Abortion, roe v wade, dodd decision, hypocrisy, evolution, Joe Biden, Democrats, midterm elections, federal funding for abortions, rape, incest
For Democrats, the More Republican Damage the Better
Date: 10/19/2022
Views: 7754
Keywords: Abortion rights, overturning, Dodd decision, Roe v. Wade, outrageous, reproductive rights, house of representatives, Senate, Mitch McConnell, slavery, emancipation proclamation repealed, nuclear war, senate supermajority
A Date with Joe Biden
Date: 08/14/2020
Views: 6708
Keywords: Joe Biden, STDs, old, elderly, crude, not trump, doddering, cabinet, duties, hologram, kinky
Which Political Animal Are You?
Date: 08/05/2020
Views: 6198
Keywords: Pig, dodo bird, human being, layabouts, unemployment benefits, stimulus checks, reaction, litmus test, weird, work should pay more, labor relations, salaries
If You Were Out to Get Donald Trump, Russiagate Is Not How You'd Do It
Date: 03/28/2019
Views: 8176
Keywords: idiotic psychopath, Robert Mueller Report, financial crimes, Trump, impeachment, Democrats, tax dodging, money laundering, mafia, Soviet, Russiagate, Russia, stooge
Gays Get the Right to Murder Muslims and Steal Their Oil Too
Date: 06/10/2015
Views: 11193
Keywords: LGBTQA, gays, lesbians, civil rights, trans people, military, militarism, DODT, don't ask, don't tell, murder equality, oil, imperialism
Never Happen
Date: 12/17/2013
Views: 8964
Keywords: Chris Christie, Barack Obama, 2016 presidential election, experience, Bush, Cheney, draft dodger, Ronald Reagan, clown, actor, bar, handicapping elections, entropy
Pay Different
Date: 06/03/2013
Views: 10958
Keywords: Tim Cook, Apple Computer, corporations, taxes, dodging, Washington, Hellfire, drones, war on terrorism, Army, CIA, envelope, Pakistan, federal taxes