Keyword Album: spy
Date: 01/31/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 62 items
Uncle Sam, Dirty Old Man
Date: 08/16/2013
Views: 10257
Keywords: NSA, National Security Agency, espionage, domestic surveillance, spying, email, Internet, PRISM, IMs, instant messages, pedophiles, sex, priests, rape, data rape, sexual trauma
Arrest Them All, Let the NSA Sort Them Out
Date: 08/05/2013
Views: 10847
Keywords: NSA, PRISM, National Security Agency, three-hop analysis, hop, bike, police, terrorism, domestic surveillance, spying, privacy rights, telephones, Associated Press, statistics, gulag, police work, police state
National Sophistry Agency
Date: 07/26/2013
Views: 8442
Keywords: NSA, National Security Agency, PRISM program, spying, domestic surveillance, espionage, privacy rights, Congressional hearing, worry, wrong, paranoia
Date: 06/28/2013
Views: 13677
Keywords: Slippery slope, NSA, 9/11 attacks, terrorism, security, national security agency, emails, privacy, text messages, photographs, video chats, Skype, telephone calls, phone calls, Verizon, domestic surveillance, spying, security state, TSA, transportation sa
Date: 06/24/2013
Views: 8989
Keywords: legalish, legal, law and order, FISA court, NSA, PRISM, National Security Agency, federal budget, Congress, oversight, checks and balances, Obama, spying, espionage, surveillance
The One Place the NSA Can't See
Date: 06/11/2013
Views: 9219
Keywords: PRISM program, Edward Snowden, brain, NSA, CIA, National Security Agency, Verizon, Central Intelligence Agency, spy, espionage, Internet, privacy rights, secrecy, intelligence
Date: 06/06/2013
Views: 9754
Keywords: war on terror, terrornomics, spy, Tsarnaev brothers, Stasi, security state, paranoia, authoritarianism, TSA, self-radicalization, East Germany, drone pilots, fear, bubble, derivatives, phobias, anxieties
The Circular Logic of Fascism
Date: 03/04/2013
Views: 10240
Keywords: NSA, CIA, domestic surveillance program, FISA, spying, Supreme Court, circular logic, law and order, privacy rights, newspaper, New York Times, fascism, oppression, legal standing
First They Came For My Junk
Date: 04/09/2012
Views: 13795
Keywords: U.S. Supreme Court, torture, human rights, Martin Niemoller quote, Holocaust, Jews, airport security, TSA, domestic wiretapping program, NSA, national security agency, CIA, FBI, spying, finger-rape, strip searches, strip-searches, body cavity searches, hu