Keyword Album: Ice
Date: 03/14/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 888 items
Arrest Them All, Let the NSA Sort Them Out
Date: 08/05/2013
Views: 11076
Keywords: NSA, PRISM, National Security Agency, three-hop analysis, hop, bike, police, terrorism, domestic surveillance, spying, privacy rights, telephones, Associated Press, statistics, gulag, police work, police state
Cri de Coeur
Date: 07/30/2013
Views: 12888
Keywords: Los Angeles Times, local cartoon, hunger strikes, California prison system, injustice, law and order, crime and punishment, jail, Kool-Aid, human rights, hunger
EMS Shooting
Date: 07/17/2013
Views: 7782
Professor Napolitano
Date: 07/17/2013
Views: 13941
Keywords: Janet Napolitano, Homeland Security Department, war on terror, data mining, DNA services, privacy, Internet surveillance, NSA, National Security Agency, Los Angeles Times, local cartoon, UC, University of California
White Dude's Burden
Date: 07/17/2013
Views: 8312
Keywords: George Zimmerman, Florida, racism, race, race relations, Trayvon Martin, court case, O.J. Simpson, shooting, murder, manslaughter, police brutality, law and order, trial
Sting Phones
Date: 07/11/2013
Views: 14092
Keywords: local cartoon, Harrisburg Patriot-News, Pennsylvania, Judge John Bender, superior court ruling, sting operations, privacy, police, law and order, Fourth Amendment, search, arrest, telephone, Colombia, Yemen, Pakistan
Feminism Marches On
Date: 07/12/2013
Views: 8822
Keywords: Susan Rice, Obama, Egypt, military coup d'etat, CIA, Mohamed Morsi, Muslim Brotherhood, feminism, beer pong, infidel ingenue, sexism, national security advisor
Giving Up a Little Freedom
Date: 07/08/2013
Views: 14637
Keywords: NSA. Obama, National Security Agency, FBI, IRS, TSA, security, freedom, civil liberties, terrorism, airport, police state, authoritarianism, passports, Edward Snowden, privacy rights, Gitmo, Guantanamo, drone attacks
Date: 06/20/2013
Views: 8546
Keywords: Taliban, drones, peace talks, surrender, negotiation, Afghanistan, office, Doha, Qatar, talks, resistance, humiliation, stupidity, defeat