Keyword Album: George W. Bush
Date: 03/31/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 71 items
What If Dubya Had Told Us What Was Coming?
Date: 11/26/2013
Views: 7852
Murderer Loves Life
Date: 11/09/2013
Views: 6423
U.S. to Attack U.S. over Chemical Weapons
Date: 09/05/2013
Views: 14490
Keywords: chemical weapons, Syria, Congress, World War I, Adolf Hitler, Saddam Hussein, LBJ, Nixon, Lyndon Johnson, George W. Bush, George H.W. Bush, Obama, NYPD, police, Occupy Wall Street protests, UC David, pepper spray, tear gas, napalm, agent orangem, depleted
Crime and Punishment, c.f. Bradley Manning
Date: 08/23/2013
Views: 13756
Keywords: Bradley Manning, WikiLeaks, crime and punishment, journalism, George W. Bush, Iraq, Afghanistan, war on terrorism, collateral damage video, Baghdad massacre, video, military punishment, torture
Date: 12/31/2012
Views: 9156
Keywords: Nepotism, political dynasties, Walter Cronkite, Hillary Clinton, Jeb Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, name recognition, 2016 presidential campaign, John Quincy Adams, wireless, Genghis Khan, Sally Hemmings, Thomas Jefferson, Jerry Ford, President, name
The Decider
Date: 05/11/2012
Views: 12928
Keywords: evolving, Barack Obama. Osama bin Laden, decisiveness, presidency, George W. Bush. golf, drone planes, missiles, assassinations, war on terror, TARP, bank bailouts, gay rights, gay marriage, deep breath
Be Right There
Date: 04/04/2012
Views: 11579
Keywords: Dick Cheney, heart transplant, healthcare, George W. Bush, God, religion, afterlife, war crimes, Vice President, neoconservatives, war criminal, Iraq
Islam Karimov's Soul
Date: 10/09/2011
Views: 12696
Keywords: Uzbekistan, State Department, Islam Karimov, Hillary Clinton, Human Rights, Boiling, Prisoners, Dissidents, Soul, George W. Bush, Vladimir Putin
January 20, 2009 Redux
Date: 10/10/2011
Views: 10808
Keywords: George W. Bush, Personality Transfer, Barack Obama, White House, Bathroom, Double Flushers, Star Trek, Texas, Unemployment, Foreclosures, Drone Bombs