Moving the Goalposts
Date: 06/17/2006
Views: 12829
Keywords: al-Zarqawi, Iraq, war, bushists, bush, president, goals, ambitious, easy, victory, imminent, around, corner, God, kill, U.S., insurgent, Amman, Baghdad, highway, rumble strip, rumble, strip, Hilla, glorious, Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense, golf, shot
Scoot Over, Will Ya?
Date: 11/10/2006
Views: 8937
Keywords: Midterm, Elections, Victory, Democrats, Democratic, Sweep, 2006, Scoot Over, Millions, Impeach, Bring Home, Troops, Iraq, Street, Corner
Two Americas
Date: 10/19/2007
Views: 11921
Keywords: Saddam, Abu Ghraib, Iraq, Iraqis, Democracy, General, Corner, Win, Resistance, Video, Beheading, Insurgents, Refugees, Millions, Anarachy, Delusion, End