Keyword Album: Surveillance
Date: 12/18/2024
Owner: Guest
Size: 84 items
The Peace Dividend
Date: 05/30/1992
Views: 8586
Keywords: mighty white, CIA, bush, unemployment, c.i.a., wiretap, domestic surveillance, mail, cold war, post-soviet, peace dividend
Obama Inherits Bush's Police State
Date: 11/14/2008
Views: 11437
Keywords: Obama, war on terror, kidnap, kidnapping, rendition, extraordinary rendition, secret prisons, Gitmo, Guantanamo, National Review, domestic spying, surveillance, CIA, telephone, phone, tap, taps
Nice Democracy You Got There
Date: 08/17/2006
Views: 14536
Keywords: Concentration Camps, Guantanamo, Freedom isn't free, Fascism, Shampoo, Airport, Security, Terrorism, 9/11, September 11, Bush, White House, Administration, President, NSA, National Security Agency, Spying, Domestic Surveillance, Police, Checpoints, Toothp
The Best Defense
Date: 06/30/2006
Views: 9124
Keywords: Disclosure, Bush, Spying, NSA, Domestic, Surveillance, Upskirt, Condi, Rice, Snooping, Banking, Records, TIA, Total Information Awareness, Program, Secret, Espionage
Know What?
Date: 03/07/2006
Views: 9135
Why We Spy on Americans Instead
Date: 01/02/2006
Views: 6957
Fighting the Terrorists
Date: 12/31/2005
Views: 6719
Change Like You Can't Believe
Date: 06/28/2008
Views: 10363
Keywords: Obama, Bush, Domestic Surveillance, NSA, FBI, Telecoms, Telecommunications, Espionage, Civil Rights, Civil Liberties, Right to Privacy, Privacy Rights, David Brooks, Emo
Bush's Last Wars
Date: 12/01/2007
Views: 11312
Keywords: Bush, Generalissimo, El Busho, President, Domestic Surveillance, Osama, Video, War on Error, Terror, Terrorism, Appositive, Awkward Phrases, Immigration, Laura Bush, Extradition, Social Security, Reform