Keyword Album: kill
Date: 12/18/2024
Owner: Guest
Size: 91 items
Date: 09/06/2015
Views: 7224
They Have So Much Due Process in Common
Date: 09/09/2016
Views: 6140
Death to the Extremists
Date: 12/10/2015
Views: 10218
Keywords: Obama, ISIS, San Bernadino shootings, Gitmo, Guantanamo, Islamic State, extremism, radicalism, foreign policy, NSA, National Security Agency, agenda, kill
Muscle Memory
Date: 09/11/2015
Views: 7497
January Surprise
Date: 07/31/2015
Views: 10979
Keywords: Hillary Clinton, Keystone XL, oil pipeline, environmentalism, 2016 presidential campaign, Barack Obama, NSA, Snowden, drones, kill list, campaign promises, Gitmo, Guantanamo, Oval Office
Kill Ratio
Date: 08/20/2014
Views: 6868
Studied the Constitution. Didn't Like It.
Date: 12/31/2013
Views: 10212
Keywords: Obama, National Defense Authorization Act, CIA, Pentagon, drone strikes, war on terror, Consitution, Mengele, kill list, Conflict Records Research Center, NSA, domestic surveillance, civil liberties, individual rights, privacy rights, detention, Guantanam
You Kids Have It Easy
Date: 11/12/2013
Views: 12549
Keywords: Obama, Hitler, Dishfire, domestic surveillance, Edward Snowden, XKeyscore, NSA, National Security Agency, spying, credit card data, text messages, email, phone, telephone, Tempora, Muscular, browsing histories, Google, Yahoo, drones, killer robots
Date: 09/06/2013
Views: 10725
Keywords: afterlife cocktail party, Syria, Obama, chemical weapons, drone attacks, flying killer robots, torture, Guantanamo, Gitmo, white phosphorus, necrobigots, Fallujah