Keyword Album: ill
Date: 12/27/2024
Owner: Guest
Size: 1191 items
NSA Angry Birds
Date: 01/30/2014
Views: 11149
Keywords: freelance cartoon,, NSA, Angry Birds, video games, domestic surveillance, National Security Agency, conference room, analysts, sarcasm, sarcastic remark, overreach
Generation X-Employed
Date: 02/05/2014
Views: 9850
Keywords: Generation X, Baby Boomers, Millennials, generational politics, snotty punks, clueless codgers, employment, ageism, age discrimination, poverty, bigotry, jobs, economy
The Ghost of Pre-9/11
Date: 01/30/2014
Views: 13088
Keywords: fearmongers, Gitmo, Guantanamo, drone strikes, NSA, National Security Agency, CIA, Central Intelligence Agency, economy, ghost of pre-9/11, Bill Clinton, wormhole, golf, golfing, war on terrorism, Angry Birds, video games, domestic surveillance
Plastic Bag Ban
Date: 01/29/2014
Views: 10170
Keywords: Los Angeles Times, local cartoon, plastic bag ban, California, terrorism, garroting, bicyclist, cyclist, villain, tree, environmentalism, pollution, litter
You Shouldn't Have
Date: 01/24/2014
Views: 5941
I Like Your Privacy So Much I'm Keeping It
Date: 01/17/2014
Views: 6239
Hillary's Secret Meetings
Date: 01/09/2014
Views: 6495
Ladies Next
Date: 01/02/2014
Views: 9122
Keywords: Obama, Hillary Rodham Clinton, race relations, blacks, African-Americans, feminism, gender relations, women, tokenism, identity politics, identitarianism, 2016 presidential campaign
Studied the Constitution. Didn't Like It.
Date: 12/31/2013
Views: 10270
Keywords: Obama, National Defense Authorization Act, CIA, Pentagon, drone strikes, war on terror, Consitution, Mengele, kill list, Conflict Records Research Center, NSA, domestic surveillance, civil liberties, individual rights, privacy rights, detention, Guantanam