Keyword Album: W
Date: 03/15/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 4528 items
Date: 03/21/2014
Views: 13242
Keywords: Native-Americans, Indians, sovereignty, Russia, Obama, Ukraine, Crimea, invasions, wars, militarism, Mexico, history, Guantanamo, torture, Cuba, Canada, territorial expansion, Iraq, Afghanistan
Balancing the Budget on the Backs of the Homeless
Date: 03/18/2014
Views: 14924
Keywords: Gov. Jerry Brown, Los Angeles Times, debt, austerity, mortgage crisis, foreclosures, settlement, lawsuit, evictions, distressed homeowners, state budget, California, Occupy Wall Street movement
Doing Asians a Favor
Date: 03/19/2014
Views: 7178
Inflammatory Topics
Date: 03/19/2014
Views: 9740
Keywords: Sulaiman abu Ghaith, trial, terrorism, New York, 9/11, World Trade Center, justice, defense, objection, beards, black sites, CIA, secret prisons, drones, NSA
American Exceptionally Dumbism
Date: 03/17/2014
Views: 10555
Keywords: Edward Snowden, SXSW, NSA, ECHELON, media, skepticism, proof, Pentagon Papers, Daniel Ellsberg, Vietnam War, hippie, WikiLeaks, Bradley Manning, Julian Assange, foreign policy, Iraq War, economy
Obama's Hipster Charm Offensive
Date: 03/14/2014
Views: 8559
Keywords: Obama, 2014 midterm elections, Jon Stewart, Zach Galifiankis, Between the two ferns, Funny or Die, beard, LMFAO, meh, acrostic, poetry slam, Valerie Jarrett, David Plouffe, open-mic, irony, millennials
Comfort Women Statue
Date: 03/12/2014
Views: 8508
Keywords: Pasadena weekly, local cartoon, World War II, Japan, Korea, comfort women, prostitution, sexual abuse, war crimes, women's rights, statue, park
Date: 03/12/2014
Views: 13102
Keywords: Los Angeles Times, local cartoon, sheriff's department, algorithms, technology, predictive, inmates, crime and punishment, jail, law and order, computers, hacking, USSR
Advertise Your Bigotry
Date: 03/12/2014
Views: 8030
Keywords: homophobia, advertising, Arizona, jan brewer, consumerism, wedding banquet hall, LGBT rights, discrimination, shaming, car wash, religion, bigotry