Keyword Album: trial
Date: 12/18/2024
Owner: Guest
Size: 53 items
Is There an Inverse Relationship between the Stock Market and Presidential Sanity?
Date: 01/04/2018
Views: 10033
Keywords: presidents, stock market, NYSE, Richard Nixon, Bill Clinton, paranoid alcoholic, lying womanizer, soulless automaton, Barack Obama, Dow Jones Industrial Average, DJIA, reckless narcissist, psychotic cannibal, capitalism
Party Like It's 1999 Degrees
Date: 09/27/2017
Views: 9453
Keywords: climate change, planet, pollution, environment, Humvee, Hummer 4, car, earth, internal combustion engine, industrialization, recycling, green, trash, sort, global warming, Tesla, bazooka, ecology, hope
Bully Phone Pulpit
Date: 01/06/2017
Views: 10042
Keywords: outsourcing, globalization, NAFTA, free trade, jobs, UAW, factory, river, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George HW Bush. George W. Bush, gruff, industrial Midwest, deindustrialization
We, Robots
Date: 12/13/2016
Views: 9944
Keywords: Liu Cixin, New York Times, op/ed, robots, robotics, automation, industrial revolution, dystopia, dystopian, unemployment, deindustrialization, utopia, utopian, social welfare, politicians
Stairway to Copyright Infringement Heaven
Date: 04/20/2016
Views: 8222
Keywords: Led Zeppelin, Taurus, Spirit, rock music, Stairway to Heaven, copyright infringement, trial, Bernie Sanders, 2016 presidential campaign, Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, banks, Donovan
Bluster Bomb
Date: 05/26/2014
Views: 8871
Keywords: FBI, hacking, espionage, NSA, China, Chinese, Unit 61318, industrial espionage, bluster bomb, out-lawyered, leftism, porn, showers, Michael Rogers, National Security Agency
Inflammatory Topics
Date: 03/19/2014
Views: 9246
Keywords: Sulaiman abu Ghaith, trial, terrorism, New York, 9/11, World Trade Center, justice, defense, objection, beards, black sites, CIA, secret prisons, drones, NSA
White Dude's Burden
Date: 07/17/2013
Views: 7896
Keywords: George Zimmerman, Florida, racism, race, race relations, Trayvon Martin, court case, O.J. Simpson, shooting, murder, manslaughter, police brutality, law and order, trial
Non-American Jurors
Date: 04/30/2013
Views: 13359
Keywords: Los Angeles Times, local cartoon, jury system, courts, juries, jurors, foreigners, nativism, Scandinavians, Zoroastrianism, Albanian, French, O.J. Simpson trial, criminal justice system, law and order, Jamshedi Noruz