Keyword Album: Data
Date: 12/18/2024
Owner: Guest
Size: 24 items
The Climate Change Divide Explained
Date: 05/12/2014
Views: 8749
Keywords: National Climactic Data Center, global warming, climate change, report, study, universe, philosophy, perception, reality, New York City, media, Southern California, Hamptons beach house
False GPS Alarms
Date: 02/19/2014
Views: 11690
Keywords: local cartoon, Los Angeles Times, bathroom, toilet, SWAT team, drought, water conservation, environment, police, probation, GPS, ankle monitoring, data, convicts, law and order, crime and punishment
Saving Obamacare
Date: 11/16/2013
Views: 9035
Keywords: Affordable Care Act, ACA, Obamacare, NSA, National Security Agency, domestic surveillance, spying, migraines, drone attacks, CIA, email, DNA scan, database, dog
You Kids Have It Easy
Date: 11/12/2013
Views: 12564
Keywords: Obama, Hitler, Dishfire, domestic surveillance, Edward Snowden, XKeyscore, NSA, National Security Agency, spying, credit card data, text messages, email, phone, telephone, Tempora, Muscular, browsing histories, Google, Yahoo, drones, killer robots
Uncle Sam, Dirty Old Man
Date: 08/16/2013
Views: 9964
Keywords: NSA, National Security Agency, espionage, domestic surveillance, spying, email, Internet, PRISM, IMs, instant messages, pedophiles, sex, priests, rape, data rape, sexual trauma
Data Hoarders
Date: 08/07/2013
Views: 11588
Keywords: NSA, PRISM Program, metadata, National Security Agency, privacy rights, Fort Meade, Maryland, domestic surveillance, reality TV show, hoarders, clutter, servers, Edward Snowden, Barack Obama, pile, Google, Skype, drone attacks
Nothing to Worry About
Date: 08/01/2013
Views: 10408
Keywords: xKeyscore Program, National Security Agency, Guardian, privacy, email, domestic surveillance, apathy, passivity, NSA, terrorism, data mining, rectal, DNA, butt, butts, scrapings, FISA court, plots
Professor Napolitano
Date: 07/17/2013
Views: 13247
Keywords: Janet Napolitano, Homeland Security Department, war on terror, data mining, DNA services, privacy, Internet surveillance, NSA, National Security Agency, Los Angeles Times, local cartoon, UC, University of California
Not Very Intrusive (If You're a Cop)
Date: 06/07/2013
Views: 8263
Keywords: police, law and order, Supreme Court, DNA swabbing, database, privacy rights, Fourth Amendment, searches and seizures, constitutional law, Alonzo Jay King, Maryland, cops