Keyword Album: IOT
Date: 01/31/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 150 items
Date: 05/01/2015
Views: 10563
Keywords: Nicolas Sarkozy, Barack Obama, Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, mayor, Baltimore, thug, racism, dog whistle, Freddie Gray, police brutality, drones, droning, rhetoric, language, voyous, riots, French, Muslims
Hillary and the NSA, Sitting in a Tree
Date: 03/05/2015
Views: 11416
Keywords: NSA, emails, Hillary Clinton, emailgate, Secretary of State, State Department, Federal Records Act, Edward Snowden, National Security Agency, treason, terrorism, Tiffany's, credit, gift certificate, records, USA-PAtriot Act
Future Hacks
Date: 12/31/2014
Views: 11627
Keywords: Daily Dot, Kernel, freelance cartoon, hacking, North Korea, Sony, Internet of Things, IOT, CES, WTF, car, brain, computers, crime, Nest, thermostat, house
Idiot Boss
Date: 11/14/2014
Views: 6633
Changing the Man in Charge Doesn't Change the System
Date: 08/27/2014
Views: 10528
Keywords: privilege, class, police violence, police brutality, Obama, stop and frisk, Ferguson, Missouri, race riots, racism, law and order, cops, pockets. I.D., system, reform, revolution
Back to Normal
Date: 08/22/2014
Views: 8404
Death Threat
Date: 08/15/2014
Views: 10701
Keywords: Ferguson, Missouri, race relations, police brutality, police shootings, Midwest, civil unrest, Michael Brown, race riots, African-Americans, death threats, name, transparency
A Look Back at the Looks Back
Date: 07/02/2014
Views: 10786
Keywords: Baby Boomers, 1960s, Sixties, generational politics, demographics, Tonkin Gulf Incident, Vietnam War, culture, Kent State, May 1968, MLK, RFK, Robert F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, race riots, Watts, police, race relations, racism, napalm
Date: 05/19/2014
Views: 9246
Keywords: Federal Election Commission, bitcoin, dogecoin, cryptocurrencies, virtual currencies, politicians, corruption, money, paper, bribes, influence, access, prostitution, Eliot Spitzer