Keyword Album: Trayvon Martin
Date: 03/31/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 5 items
The End of Racism
Date: 09/04/2014
Views: 8798
Keywords: racism, gays, lesbians, LGBT, homophobia, UPS, Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Ferguson, prowler, queer, Aunt Becky, Brad Pitt, Obama, race, friendship, race relations
Hope and ______
Date: 07/25/2013
Views: 13215
Keywords: Obama, hope, change, speech, speeches, drone attacks, Gitmo, Guantanamo, national conversation, privacy, NSA, National Security Agency, Edward Snowden, Trayvon Martin, blaks, racism, race relations, winner-take-all economy, inequality, class divide, incom
White Dude's Burden
Date: 07/17/2013
Views: 8409
Keywords: George Zimmerman, Florida, racism, race, race relations, Trayvon Martin, court case, O.J. Simpson, shooting, murder, manslaughter, police brutality, law and order, trial
The Talk
Date: 04/16/2012
Views: 10926
Keywords: Trayvon Martin, police brutality, mountain lions, predators, race relations, racism, African-Americans, parents, sons, father, startle, police shootings, ethnic profiling
Racial Profiling
Date: 04/02/2012
Views: 12046
Keywords: Trayvon Martin, Florida, stand your ground law, Afghanistan, drone attacks, assassinations, war on terror, crime and punishment, Al Sharpton, Barack Obama, terrorist, neighborhood watch, race, racism, police brutality, teenager