Keyword Album: NYPD
Date: 03/31/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 11 items
Date: 10/30/2015
Views: 16970
Keywords: PBA, NYPD, LAPD, LAPPL, police unions,,, Quentin Tarantino, boycott, films, movies, police brutality, Black Lives Matter
Police Deaths Matter
Date: 11/06/2015
Views: 12650
Keywords: Charles Gliniewicz, police officer, Black Lives Matter, right-wingers, Alex Jones, Info Wars, G.I. Joe, blame, hell, nightstick, sodomy, NYPD, Satan, obituary cartoon, police brutality. corruption, racism
Date: 07/15/2015
Views: 8188
Keywords: Eric Garner, ICan'tBreathe, breathe, police brutality, lawsuit, settlement, responsibility, NYPD, police, Al Sharpton, Bill deBlasio, New York City, cops
No More Penis Enlargement Spams
Date: 01/14/2015
Views: 7299
Keywords: spammers, spam, NYPD, de Blasio, New York, police, slowdown, strike, jerks, molesters, Eric Garner, terrorists, terrorism, Charlie Hebdo, assholes
Someday, Whites Will Get It Too.
Date: 12/24/2014
Views: 7757
But the President is a Black Man
Date: 12/05/2014
Views: 9220
Keywords: racism, President Obama, Eric Garner, police brutality, video, Staten Island, grand jury, obituary cartoon, race relations, NYPD, New York City, chokehold
Too Fit Not to Acquit
Date: 12/08/2014
Views: 9001
Keywords: police brutality, NYC, NYPD, Eric Garner health, obesity, weight, fat, chokehold, BMI, body mass index, asthma, lungs, Darwinism, jelly belly, overweight, wimp, flab
The System Works
Date: 12/04/2014
Views: 9209
Keywords: law and order, crime and punishment, strangling, police brutality, shooting, Eric Garner, NYPD, chokehold, New York, Staten Island, Darren Wilson, Michael Brown, Ferguson, Illinois, race relations
U.S. to Attack U.S. over Chemical Weapons
Date: 09/05/2013
Views: 14497
Keywords: chemical weapons, Syria, Congress, World War I, Adolf Hitler, Saddam Hussein, LBJ, Nixon, Lyndon Johnson, George W. Bush, George H.W. Bush, Obama, NYPD, police, Occupy Wall Street protests, UC David, pepper spray, tear gas, napalm, agent orangem, depleted