Keyword Album: golf
Date: 03/31/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 46 items
White House Hacked
Date: 10/29/2014
Views: 10159
Net Neutrality Obama
Date: 11/11/2014
Views: 6304
Four Hours of Sleep is Enough
Date: 11/27/2014
Views: 7133
Keywords: Obama Administration, golf mode, sleep, president, torture, CAT, Convention Against Torture, sleep deprivation, drones, UN, United Nations
The Ghost of Pre-9/11
Date: 01/30/2014
Views: 13861
Keywords: fearmongers, Gitmo, Guantanamo, drone strikes, NSA, National Security Agency, CIA, Central Intelligence Agency, economy, ghost of pre-9/11, Bill Clinton, wormhole, golf, golfing, war on terrorism, Angry Birds, video games, domestic surveillance
The President as Employee
Date: 11/01/2012
Views: 13531
Keywords: Barack Obama, 2012 presidential campaign, Predator drone, drone attack, Hellfire missile, boss, labor-management relations, taxpayers, deficit, business, recession, economy, golfing, vacations
The Decider
Date: 05/11/2012
Views: 12931
Keywords: evolving, Barack Obama. Osama bin Laden, decisiveness, presidency, George W. Bush. golf, drone planes, missiles, assassinations, war on terror, TARP, bank bailouts, gay rights, gay marriage, deep breath
The Gift of Gab
Date: 02/18/2012
Views: 9931
Keywords: Obama, 2012 presidential campaign, golfing, Occupy Wall Street, polls, pollsters, economy, statistics, words, precious, rhetoric, propaganda, counntry club, magic
The Four Stages of Revolution
Date: 11/28/2011
Views: 11928
Keywords: Obama, Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Acceptance, Shock, Psychology, Change Poster, Sellout Democrat, Plaintive Email, Homelessness, Computer, Golfing, Golf, Television, Riot, Revolution, Stages
Fundraising for Good (for Once)
Date: 10/26/2011
Views: 9782
Keywords: Barack Obama, Golfing, Fundraising, Campaign, 2012 presidential campaign, Random Wino, Ohio, Bum, Class War, Economy, Homeless, Poverty