Keyword Album: punch
Date: 12/03/2024
Owner: Guest
Size: 5 items
Israelis' Crazy Overreaction
Date: 11/01/2023
Views: 4934
3 Things That Are Pretty Much the Same
Date: 12/05/2017
Views: 10442
Keywords: Hypocrisy, injury, punch, Band-Aid, work, work place, cheating, deficit spending, Republicans, tax cut plan, Texas, trickle-down economics, supply-side economics, Social programs, austerity
Truth in Political Aesthetics
Date: 10/06/2016
Views: 10480
Keywords: aesthetics, law, 2016 presidential election, Donald Trump, Mike Pence, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, President Obama, warmongering, hairdo, punch, Xenophobia, Sexism, woman hating, gay bashing, homophobia, vice presidential debate
Jihadi Art Critics Circle
Date: 04/30/2015
Views: 13166
Keywords: Garry Trudeau. Charie Hebdo, ISIS, Foreign Policy, cartooning, free speech, cartoonists, jihadis, art criticism, punch down, drones, crosshatching, First Amendment, freedom of expression, Polk Award, Islamic State, Snoopy, Danish Mohammed cartoons, Doones
Google Glass Sex
Date: 12/11/2014
Views: 10222