Keyword Album: Pentagon
Date: 01/29/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 38 items
How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love the Drone
Date: 03/14/2016
Views: 7448
Gay Troops
Date: 06/09/2015
Views: 16685
Keywords: LGBTQA rights, gays, lesbians, missiles, Hellfire, drone, Afghan, bomb, war on terror, Pentagon, equal opportunity policy, soldiers, troops, DADT, Don't Ask Don't Tell
Twitter Hack
Date: 01/13/2015
Views: 9221
Keywords: Breaking Modern, hackers, Pentagon, Obama, president, Pinterest, Twitter, YouTube, Defcon 2, virtual war, hell, cyberwar
The Threat from ISIS
Date: 10/20/2014
Views: 8518
You Can't Escape Zombies in a Canoe
Date: 10/14/2014
Views: 6869
Keywords: militarization, coroner, military, mortician, zombies, police, pentagon, defense department, Humvee, assault rifle, handgun, police state
American Exceptionally Dumbism
Date: 03/17/2014
Views: 10339
Keywords: Edward Snowden, SXSW, NSA, ECHELON, media, skepticism, proof, Pentagon Papers, Daniel Ellsberg, Vietnam War, hippie, WikiLeaks, Bradley Manning, Julian Assange, foreign policy, Iraq War, economy
Drone Our Troops
Date: 01/28/2014
Views: 9739
Keywords: Pentagon, Defense Department, Army, Afghanistan, Iraq, war on terror, military, militarism, Mulsims, Sikhs, beards, turbans, headwear, religion, skullcaps
Studied the Constitution. Didn't Like It.
Date: 12/31/2013
Views: 10507
Keywords: Obama, National Defense Authorization Act, CIA, Pentagon, drone strikes, war on terror, Consitution, Mengele, kill list, Conflict Records Research Center, NSA, domestic surveillance, civil liberties, individual rights, privacy rights, detention, Guantanam
Robo Sapiens
Date: 07/15/2013
Views: 9466
Keywords: cyborgs, Terminator, humanoid robots, technology, artificial intelligence, DARPA, Pentagon, Department of Defense, dystopia, drones, militarization, militarism, Atlas, robo sapiens