Keyword Album: layoffs
Date: 03/31/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 59 items
Recovery: New Job, Day One
Date: 02/20/2015
Views: 10185
Keywords: economy, jobs, wages, layoffs, unemployment, recovery, office, profits, downsizing, desk, insecurity
Ils Ne Sont Pas Charlie
Date: 01/12/2015
Views: 11744
Keywords: layoffs, Charlie Hebdo, hypocrisy, Je Suis Charlie, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Huffington Post, National Review, Time magazine, Rolling Stone, political cartooning, cartoons, cartoonists, Slate, Salon, The Nation, Fort Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel, C
Date: 12/11/2014
Views: 9642
We Want You (Conditions May Apply)
Date: 11/15/2014
Views: 7724
The New Optimism
Date: 10/04/2013
Views: 9449
Keywords: optimism, poll, employment, raise, jobs, recession, unemployment, underemployment, pessimism, layoffs, college education, degree, living simply
Tea Party Democrats
Date: 10/01/2013
Views: 13431
Keywords: Tea Party, Republicans, Democrats, debt limit, federal budget, Gitmo, Guantanamo, CEO pay, banks, nationalization, Gaia, capitalism, layoffs, radical politics, Thomas Friedman, David Gregory, pandering, democracy
Retroactive Retirement
Date: 07/23/2012
Views: 10209
Keywords: 2012 presidential campaign, Mitt Romney, Bain Capital, retroactive retirement, downsizing, layoffs, outsourcing, poster, poverty, unemployment, homelessness
Fun with Pepper Spray
Date: 11/29/2011
Views: 14544
Keywords: pepper spray, hippies, police brutality, occupy movement, towel, beach, violence, unemployment, layoffs, actors, tom cruise, oscars, turkey, holidays, uncle jack
11-18-11: The Day Everything Changed
Date: 11/25/2011
Views: 14073
Keywords: poverty, poor, near poor, destitute, class warfare, starbucks, rich, wealth, traitor, war on poverty, war on terrorism, bush, newspaper, third world, obama, freedoms, fortune 500, #2 man, layoffs, torture