Keyword Album: capital
Date: 03/03/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 189 items
Back to Work
Date: 04/15/2015
Views: 5837
Jeb Bush is a Devout Catholic
Date: 03/21/2015
Views: 12423
Keywords: hypocrisy, Jeb Bush, 2016 presidential campaign, Catholicism, Roman Catholic, devout, Catholic Church, religion, pope, social safety net, poor, war, Iraq, Afghanistan, mass, ISIS, Iran, capital punishment, death penalty
Fight or Flight
Date: 01/19/2015
Views: 8886
Keywords: school lunch program, poverty, inequality, capitalism, public schools, education, kids, children, protest, demonstration, fight, flight, private school, Lord Faunteroy
Giving Cuba the Business
Date: 01/05/2015
Views: 9481
Keywords: Cuba, normalization, free trade, capitalism, democracy, fat hubby, sweatshops, pollution, toxic waste, exploitation, outsourcing
Calling the IDF
Date: 08/11/2014
Views: 10720
Keywords: executions, Arizona, death penalty, prisons, states, capital punishment, Israel, IDF, Gaza, Hamas, war, missile, Palestinians, children's hospital, prison, death chamber
The Long Goodbye
Date: 08/01/2014
Views: 5606
Death Row Shrink
Date: 06/17/2014
Views: 11502
Keywords: prisons, Los Angeles Times, death row, psychiatric care, mental health, prisoners, capital punishment, psychiatry, local cartoon, cell, execution, lethal injection
Morality by Terrorism
Date: 06/09/2014
Views: 7352
Keywords: Joe Cornell, Sacramento, Brinks, Brink's, bag of cashm ethics, Fresno, armored truck, armored car, reward, capitalism, surveillance state, NSA, cameras
Sick Days
Date: 06/04/2014
Views: 11895