Keyword Album: WTO
Date: 03/31/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 21 items
Date: 04/06/2016
Views: 9621
Keywords: TPP, Trans Pacific Partnership, Trans Planetary Partnership, free trade agreements, NAFTA, WTO, GATT, HIllary Clinton, Donald Trump, labor, 2016 presidential campaign, rocket, space, political instability
Ask Him
Date: 02/15/2016
Views: 9671
Keywords: Hillary Clinton, NAFTA, free trade, TPP, WTO, Trans Pacific Partnership, World Trade Organization, North American Free Trade Agreement, CAFTA, Indonesia, outsourcing, unemployment, underemployment, globalization
Hillary on Instagram
Date: 06/11/2015
Views: 16575
Keywords: social media, Instagram, 2016 presidential campaign, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Iraq War, NAFTA, TPP, free trade, WTO, ISIS, Gaffai, Libya, Emailgate, emails, delete key, gay marriage, LGBTQA
Date: 04/25/2013
Views: 12915
Keywords: corporations, greed, outsourcing, free trade, WTO, NAFTA, labor pool, Holocaust, Auschwitz, death camp, Cambodia, Mexico, China, wages, labor management relations, job creator, hedge fund, workers, slave labor
Better Guns
Date: 01/01/2013
Views: 17201
Keywords: Los Angeles Times, local cartoon, National Rifle Association, NRA, security, school massacres, Connecticut, Newtown, guns, violence, security checkpoint, AR-15, Glock, armed guards, TSA, airports, schools, education, elementary schools, CZW-556
Incrementalism on the March
Date: 12/28/2012
Views: 12343
Keywords: Gun control, violence, law and order, crime and punishment, hospital, grief, Sandy Hook elementary school, Newtown, Connecticut, school shootings, magazines, clips, bullets, guns, National Rifle Association, NRA, incrementalism, compromise, Congress
Shooting Scare
Date: 12/22/2012
Views: 8751
Keywords: Pasadena Weekly, Local Cartoon, Weapons, guns, crime and punishment, law and order, debate, school shooting, bed, Newtown, Connecticut
Mutual Assured Destruction
Date: 12/24/2012
Views: 12368
Keywords: Rick Perry, NRA, guns, National Rifle Association, weapons, RPGs, missiles, gun lobby, school shootings, Adam Lanza, Newtown, Connecticut, Congress, self-defense, Second Amendment, sophistry, psychokillers lobby, WMDs
Grief Counselors Descend on Waziristan
Date: 12/26/2012
Views: 10420
Keywords: Adam Lanza, Newtown, Connecticut, school shootings, Pakistan, drone attacks, psychiatrists, children, psychiatry, grief counselors, parents, hellfire, NGO teddy bear, Sharia