Keyword Album: wine
Date: 12/03/2024
Owner: Guest
Size: 10 items
End of the Affair
Date: 11/20/2024
Views: 1020
Keywords: Kamala Harris, Graham Greene, end of the affair, Liz Cheney, Donald Trump, Halliburton, neoconservative, BFF, best friend forever, best friends forever, wine, kitchen, war lady, blood tsunami, militarism
Date: 03/21/2017
Views: 9568
Keywords: Sputnik News, Eric Trump, Trump Winery, foreign workers, free trade, hypocrisy, wine, H-2A visa program, Donald Trump, globalization, low wages, farm workers
Date: 07/12/2015
Views: 8932
Keywords: robocalls, Texas, automation, CEO, Time Warner Cable, unemployment, poverty, harassment, corporations, Lafite, wine, dinner time, collections
New and Improved
Date: 08/25/2012
Views: 10657
Keywords: 2012 presidential campaign, Barack Obama, pussy, wuss, wimpiness, corporations, banksters, meal, restaurant, dinner, wine, governance, conflict of interest, ethics
Date: 03/22/2011
Views: 13705
Keywords: Gadafi, Jerry Brown, Turkmenistan, Libya, Japan, Nuclear Power Plants, Tsunami, Fault Lines, Earthquake, Music, Britney, Venezuela, Swine Flu, Barbara Boxer, Important Quotes
Billboard Alternatives
Date: 11/18/2009
Views: 12848
Keywords: Los Angeles Times, Local Cartoon, Digital Billboards, H1N1, Swine Flu, Vaccine, Drivers, Advertising, Water Supply, Lost, Terminator 5, CSI Fresno, Car, Nose
Corrupt and Unresponsive
Date: 03/02/2011
Views: 11794
Keywords: unemployment, protests, revolutions, corruption, anger, angry, white house, obama, michelle obama, reporter, cameraman, camerawoman, tv, television, wine, riots, media
That Sickening Feeling
Date: 11/17/2010
Views: 15674
Keywords: Condi Rice, George W. Bush, Retired President, Memoirs, Decision Points, Texas, Ranch, TV, Television, WMDs, Weapons of Mass Destruction, Iraq, Iraq War, War Hero, Guilt, Lies, War on Terror, War, Sickening Feeling, Wine, Marijuana, Pot, Cocaine, Coke
Swine Flu Scamming
Date: 09/03/2009
Views: 8234