Keyword Album: National Security Agency
Date: 03/29/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 76 items
Et Tu, Glenn Greenwald?
Date: 06/12/2017
Views: 8402
Keywords: Reality Leigh Winner, whistleblower, NSA, National Security Agency, The Intercept, Glenn Greenwald, CIA, government, Orwell, 1984, betrayal, journalism, Julian Assange, Russia
Americans Are Good...At
Date: 10/17/2016
Views: 12664
Keywords: Hillary Clinton, 2016 presidential campaign, human rights, Guantánamo, NSA, national security agency, domestic surveillance, espionage, hypocrisy, morality, goodness, good, American exceptionalism, drones, missiles, Afghanistan, torture
That man is Dangerous
Date: 06/20/2016
Views: 8997
Keywords: NSA, National Security Agencym domestic surveillance, Gitmo, Guantamamo Bay concentration camp, golf, president, Obama, drones, droning, UAVs, Donald Trump, dangerous, human rights
Death to the Extremists
Date: 12/10/2015
Views: 10808
Keywords: Obama, ISIS, San Bernadino shootings, Gitmo, Guantanamo, Islamic State, extremism, radicalism, foreign policy, NSA, National Security Agency, agenda, kill
Sometimes You Feel Like Electing a Nut
Date: 10/23/2015
Views: 16193
Keywords: Donald Trump, Ben Carson, Republican primaries, Barack Obama, 2016 presidential campaign, Paul Ryan, House Speaker, NSA, National Security Agency, Edward Snowden, domestic surveillance, drones, UAVs, Predators, Kunduz hospital bombing, MSF, Doctors Withou
Hillary Trashtalks About Snowden
Date: 10/22/2015
Views: 8267
NSA FBI Program
Date: 06/04/2015
Views: 13722
Keywords: Edward Snowden, FBI, NSA, National Security Agency, espionage, spying, law and order, crime and punishment, Obama, prosecution, The Kernel, The Daily Dot
State NSA Laws
Date: 05/07/2015
Views: 11632
Keywords: NSA, The Kernel, The Daily Dot, National Security Agency, privacy, Starbucks, wifi, water, utilities, eletricity, inconvenient, darkness, blackmail
She Has That Privilege
Date: 03/12/2015
Views: 8259
Keywords: Hypocrisy, Hillary Rodham Clinton, 2016 presidential campaign, NSA, national security agency, Orwell, 1984, O'Brien, Winston Smith, Tele screen, spying, domestic surveillance, privilege