Keyword Album: police shootings
Date: 12/18/2024
Owner: Guest
Size: 33 items
Date: 04/08/2015
Views: 8596
At Home With the Whites
Date: 09/23/2016
Views: 5681
Victims Must Unite With Their Oppressors
Date: 07/13/2016
Views: 10780
Keywords: Black Lives Matter, police shootings, Dallas police shooting, violence, Nazism, Godwin's Law, Adolf Hitler, Germans, Germany, Jews, Gestapo, SS, historical analogy, common ground, moderation
If Equal Justice Were a Real Thing
Date: 07/12/2016
Views: 12096
Keywords: race relations, racism, white cops, policemen, police shootings, Black Lives Matter, cops, police, internal affairs departments, district attorneys, prosecutors, justice system, jurors, juries, grand juries, Dallas police shootings, media, propaganda
In Trouble? Look for a Cop and Run the Other Way
Date: 12/02/2015
Views: 7561
It Isn't Violence If The State Does It
Date: 11/26/2015
Views: 9123
The Ferguson Effect
Date: 10/28/2015
Views: 8145
Keywords: Batman, Robin, superheroes, Batcave, crime, James Comey, FBI Director, Black Lives Matter, phone cameras, hashtags, police brutality, police shootings
Date: 10/12/2015
Views: 6873
GOP Attacks the Idea That Black Lives Matter
Date: 09/09/2015
Views: 8030
Keywords: #BlackLivesMatter, Black Lives Matter, Donald Trump, Scott Walker, Carly Fiorina, Ted Cruz, Republicans, racism, dog whistle, positivism, deaths, police shootings, 2016 presidential election