Keyword Album: UN
Date: 01/12/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 1798 items
Inside the Dictator's Suite
Date: 01/08/2016
Views: 7700
Obama Changed Everything
Date: 01/06/2016
Views: 13021
Keywords: racial issues, Obama, first black president, unemployment, discouraged workers, poverty, blacks, African-Americans, identity politics, Democrats, women, feminism, Hillary Clinton, 2016 presidential campaign
Doubt of the Benefit
Date: 12/31/2015
Views: 7344
Keywords: police violence, police brutality, murder, cops, blue uniform, cover-ups, Sandra Bland, Rahm Emanuel, Tamir Rice, Cleveland, excuses
Date: 12/23/2015
Views: 9924
Keywords: death camps, Treblinka, Nazis, concentration camps, Jews, Muslims, Holocaust, Donald Trump, Muslim ban, tattoo, 2016 presidential campaign, Ivanka trump, uniform, pink marble, somestack, brass, tacky
Affirmative Action Keeps Things Interesting
Date: 12/12/2015
Views: 9398
Keywords: affirmative action, racial quotas, colleges and universities, students, porsche, free tuition, University of Texas, SCOTUS, Supreme Court, poverty, class, race relations
An Awkward Conversation at the Recruiting Office
Date: 12/08/2015
Views: 7942
Keywords: genitals, mutilations, penis, testicle, implant, transplant, injuries, wounds, wounded warriors, militarism, Iraq, Afghanistan, enlist
In Trouble? Look for a Cop and Run the Other Way
Date: 12/02/2015
Views: 7693
We're Not Barbarian (Americans)!
Date: 11/24/2015
Views: 8682
Keywords: ISIS, Islamic State, IS, hospital, Kunduz, MSF, Doctors Without Borders, hypocrisy, war, Paris terrorist attacks, Syria
Date: 11/12/2015
Views: 8768
Keywords: Jeb Bush, Adolf Hitler, Holocaust, time travel, ethics, dilemma, riddle, Carly Fiorina, abortion, Wansee conference, Nazis, Genghis Khan, Attila the Hun, mace