Keyword Album: uniform
Date: 03/28/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 13 items
What Do We Do Now?
Date: 11/09/2016
Views: 11757
Keywords: Donald Trump, Nazism, uniform, valet, closet, brownshirt, 2016 presidential campaign, Melania Trump, right-wing, fascism, protofascism, election day
Doubt of the Benefit
Date: 12/31/2015
Views: 7641
Keywords: police violence, police brutality, murder, cops, blue uniform, cover-ups, Sandra Bland, Rahm Emanuel, Tamir Rice, Cleveland, excuses
Date: 12/23/2015
Views: 10403
Keywords: death camps, Treblinka, Nazis, concentration camps, Jews, Muslims, Holocaust, Donald Trump, Muslim ban, tattoo, 2016 presidential campaign, Ivanka trump, uniform, pink marble, somestack, brass, tacky
In Trouble? Look for a Cop and Run the Other Way
Date: 12/02/2015
Views: 7997
Take Out the Cameras First
Date: 04/30/2015
Views: 5798
Flash War
Date: 03/10/2014
Views: 11597
Keywords: Ukraine, Crimea, Iraq, war, flash mob, invasion, uniforms, silence, journalism, media, reporters, dudebros, Baghdad, text, Paris, France, Germany, factchecking
Prison for Profit
Date: 12/19/2011
Views: 14157
Keywords: Prison, Vampire Capitalism, Jail, Riverside California, Lube, Rape, Prison uniforms, shiv, Ethnic gangs, nazi skinheads, lawyers, legal, law and order, crime and punishment, budget cut, airline pricing, a la carte, riots, occupy movement
Honor Our Future Martyrs
Date: 12/27/2010
Views: 11575
Keywords: War on Terror, Militarism, Afghanistan, Withdrawal, Drawdown, Generals, Insult, Future Deaths, Logic, Uniforms, Armed Forces, Troops, Taliban
Revenge of the Nerds
Date: 10/03/2009
Views: 7636
Keywords: Doctor, Football Player, NFL, National Football Player, Erp, Steelers, Legume, Healthcare, Study, Medical Care, Uniform, Concussions