Keyword Album: 9/11
Date: 03/28/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 121 items
Liberal Listening Tour
Date: 06/05/2017
Views: 11527
Keywords: bubble, 2016 presidential election, liberals, listening, Trump, Midwest, heartland, Mexicans, illegal immigrants, global warming, climate change, angels, Saddam, 9/11, Obama, Muslim
When a Strange Congressman Calls
Date: 02/29/2016
Views: 11816
Keywords: Congress, Republicans, Republican primaries, horror movie, When a Stranger Calls, Abu Kebob, Gitmo, Guantanamo Bay concentration camp, torture, ISIS, 9/11, escape, Supermax, prisons, federal prisons, terrorists
Freaking Out Over Nothing
Date: 12/30/2015
Views: 7591
Keywords: San Bernadino mass shooting, terrorism, 9/11, overreaction, nuke them, nuke 'em, freaking out, terror, Hillary Clinton, 2016 presidential campaign, Ted Cruz, Donald Trump
Kunduz 911
Date: 10/14/2015
Views: 12434
Keywords: Kunduz, Afghanistan, Osama bin Laden, Al Qaeda, Doctors without borders, DWB, MSF, accidental bombing, collateral damage, World Trade Center attacks, 9/11, September 11, weasel, public relations, propaganda
9/11 Memory Hole
Date: 05/16/2014
Views: 10167
Keywords: September 11th attacks, commercialization, grief, memorial, 9/11, Osama bin Laden, tourism, New York, NYC, Bitcoin, PayPal, admission fee, privacy, TSA, airport, Al Qaeda
If People in Other Countries Reacted to Tragedies Like Americans
Date: 04/21/2014
Views: 11309
Keywords: Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, grief, psychology, 9/11, Ground Zero memorial, Hamid Karzai, lashing out, memorials, Bush, Virgil quote, Google, Mughal, Boston Marathon bombings, Boston Strong, Afghan Strong, T-shirt, commercialization
Inflammatory Topics
Date: 03/19/2014
Views: 9847
Keywords: Sulaiman abu Ghaith, trial, terrorism, New York, 9/11, World Trade Center, justice, defense, objection, beards, black sites, CIA, secret prisons, drones, NSA
The Ghost of Pre-9/11
Date: 01/30/2014
Views: 13846
Keywords: fearmongers, Gitmo, Guantanamo, drone strikes, NSA, National Security Agency, CIA, Central Intelligence Agency, economy, ghost of pre-9/11, Bill Clinton, wormhole, golf, golfing, war on terrorism, Angry Birds, video games, domestic surveillance
Date: 06/28/2013
Views: 14086
Keywords: Slippery slope, NSA, 9/11 attacks, terrorism, security, national security agency, emails, privacy, text messages, photographs, video chats, Skype, telephone calls, phone calls, Verizon, domestic surveillance, spying, security state, TSA, transportation sa