Keyword Album: free trade
Date: 03/28/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 78 items
So You Want To Run for the Democratic Nomination for President of the United States
Date: 01/18/2019
Views: 11561
Keywords: Kamala Harris, Democrats, Nancy Pelosi, progressive, hypocrisy, Republican, bank, war, military budgets, free trade, NAFTA, corporate donors, drones, migrant workers, identity politics, inspiring, biracial, LGBTQIA, purity tests
Date: 03/21/2017
Views: 10300
Keywords: Sputnik News, Eric Trump, Trump Winery, foreign workers, free trade, hypocrisy, wine, H-2A visa program, Donald Trump, globalization, low wages, farm workers
Date: 05/11/2015
Views: 10183
Date: 05/12/2015
Views: 13124
Keywords: fast-track signing authority, TPP, Trans-Pacific Partnership, free trade agreement,, liberalism, progressives, Vietnam War, segregation, generations, Senate
On Trump's Muslim Ban, No Good Guys
Date: 02/02/2017
Views: 7825
Keywords: Trump, Muslim ban, Silicon Valley, big tech, technology, H1B visa program, plane ticket, Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, bigotry, free trade, outsourcing
Bully Phone Pulpit
Date: 01/06/2017
Views: 10604
Keywords: outsourcing, globalization, NAFTA, free trade, jobs, UAW, factory, river, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George HW Bush. George W. Bush, gruff, industrial Midwest, deindustrialization
Secrecy Doesn't Count in Politics
Date: 05/20/2016
Views: 9605
Keywords: Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, NAFTA, North American Free Trade Agreement, jobs, secrecy, secretly, Osama bin Laden, Adolf Hitler, Jews, Donald Trump, hos, women, thoughtful
Date: 04/06/2016
Views: 9613
Keywords: TPP, Trans Pacific Partnership, Trans Planetary Partnership, free trade agreements, NAFTA, WTO, GATT, HIllary Clinton, Donald Trump, labor, 2016 presidential campaign, rocket, space, political instability
Forget Free Trade
Date: 03/11/2016
Views: 9483
Keywords: NAFTA, free trade, TPP, Hillary Clinton, Midwest, Michigan, Ohio, outsourcing, globalization, Bernie Sanders, 2016 presidential campaign, Democratic primaryes, Michigan primary