Keyword Album: Pentagon
Date: 03/28/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 39 items
The Trumpie
Date: 01/11/2017
Views: 12235
Keywords: FoxNews, Fox News, Donald Trump, New Yorker, Saul Steinberg, illustration, Trump Administration, worldview, Mexico wall, blacks, Pentagon, Tiffany, hotels, Nazis, alt-right, Silicon Valley, nuclear explosion, Twitter, coal, Breitbart, Goldman Sachs, rust
How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love the Drone
Date: 03/14/2016
Views: 7703
Gay Troops
Date: 06/09/2015
Views: 17235
Keywords: LGBTQA rights, gays, lesbians, missiles, Hellfire, drone, Afghan, bomb, war on terror, Pentagon, equal opportunity policy, soldiers, troops, DADT, Don't Ask Don't Tell
Twitter Hack
Date: 01/13/2015
Views: 9501
Keywords: Breaking Modern, hackers, Pentagon, Obama, president, Pinterest, Twitter, YouTube, Defcon 2, virtual war, hell, cyberwar
The Threat from ISIS
Date: 10/20/2014
Views: 8777
You Can't Escape Zombies in a Canoe
Date: 10/14/2014
Views: 7083
Keywords: militarization, coroner, military, mortician, zombies, police, pentagon, defense department, Humvee, assault rifle, handgun, police state
American Exceptionally Dumbism
Date: 03/17/2014
Views: 10665
Keywords: Edward Snowden, SXSW, NSA, ECHELON, media, skepticism, proof, Pentagon Papers, Daniel Ellsberg, Vietnam War, hippie, WikiLeaks, Bradley Manning, Julian Assange, foreign policy, Iraq War, economy
Drone Our Troops
Date: 01/28/2014
Views: 10064
Keywords: Pentagon, Defense Department, Army, Afghanistan, Iraq, war on terror, military, militarism, Mulsims, Sikhs, beards, turbans, headwear, religion, skullcaps
Studied the Constitution. Didn't Like It.
Date: 12/31/2013
Views: 10899
Keywords: Obama, National Defense Authorization Act, CIA, Pentagon, drone strikes, war on terror, Consitution, Mengele, kill list, Conflict Records Research Center, NSA, domestic surveillance, civil liberties, individual rights, privacy rights, detention, Guantanam