Keyword Album: wedding party
Date: 03/28/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 8 items
How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love the Drone
Date: 03/14/2016
Views: 7703
Drones Ahoy
Date: 02/09/2012
Views: 11747
Keywords: Hellfire missiles, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, UAVs, Wedding party, Afghanistan, Wendy's, Noonan's True Value Hardware St, Iraq, Springfield, Illinois, Drone Planes, Civil War, CIA, Wal-Mart, Predator, Barb, Ken
The End of the Affair
Date: 06/09/2011
Views: 7850
Keywords: space program, nasa, space shuttle, space exploration, Afghan wedding party, Afghanistan, bombing, opium, Museum, Air and Space, War on Terror, Planes, Space Capsule
Hearts and Minds
Date: 04/04/2009
Views: 13949
Keywords: Predator Drone Planes, Hellfire Missiles, Remote Control, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Surge, Afghanistan, Obama, No Face, Explode, Wedding Party, Bombs
Re-Invade Afghanistan!
Date: 02/07/2009
Views: 19483
Keywords: Osama bin Laden, war on terrorism, Barack Obama, Afghanistan, government officials, south asia, central asia, crusade, protect, security, stonings, cultural events, talidrome, overpopulation, wedding party, carbon footprint, environmentalism, heroin, drug
Not to Worry
Date: 10/17/2002
Views: 6628
The Center Feels So Right
Date: 11/18/2008
Views: 13014
Keywords: Obama, center, right, centrism, conservatism, moderation, DLC, fagbashers, gaybashers, Jesus freaks, racists, racism, skinheads, ideology, Afghanistan, war, wedding party, bombing
Good Things About the Iraq War
Date: 07/28/2007
Views: 13793
Keywords: Iraq, War, Bush, President, Credit, Starlet, Pixie, Kid, Osama, bin Laden, UBL, OBL, Supernova, Sun, Astronomy, Wedding Party, Cinema, Film, Conflict, Awesome, Beijing, National Debt, Bonds, T-Bills