Keyword Album: Ice
Date: 03/14/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 891 items
Victims Must Unite With Their Oppressors
Date: 07/13/2016
Views: 11388
Keywords: Black Lives Matter, police shootings, Dallas police shooting, violence, Nazism, Godwin's Law, Adolf Hitler, Germans, Germany, Jews, Gestapo, SS, historical analogy, common ground, moderation
If Equal Justice Were a Real Thing
Date: 07/12/2016
Views: 12828
Keywords: race relations, racism, white cops, policemen, police shootings, Black Lives Matter, cops, police, internal affairs departments, district attorneys, prosecutors, justice system, jurors, juries, grand juries, Dallas police shootings, media, propaganda
Robot Bombs: A One Time Thing, Right?
Date: 07/11/2016
Views: 6522
The Hillary Defense
Date: 07/06/2016
Views: 8706
Keywords: Hillary Clinton, Emailgate, private email server, police, speeding, Loretta Lynch, Bill Clinton, corruption, scandal, 2016 presidential campaign, friends, cops
South Carolina's Repugnant Abortion Ban
Date: 05/23/2016
Views: 8618
Keywords: abortion, South Carolina, rape, incest, women's rights, pro-choice, hospital, doctor, women, females, reproductive rights, feminism
Date: 05/16/2016
Views: 13822
Keywords: ICE, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Donald Trump, 11, 000, 11 million, illegal immigration, illegal immigrants, undocumented workers, Mexicans, Mexico, Latinos, Hispanics, deportations, fascism, Holocaust, Nazism, roundups, round-ups
Behind Every La
Date: 05/04/2016
Views: 5944
The Once Future Vice President
Date: 05/02/2016
Views: 4817
Where Hope Goes to Die
Date: 04/18/2016
Views: 5586