Keyword Album: violent
Date: 03/28/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 7 items
Whoever Said Life Was Cheap?
Date: 04/17/2023
Views: 14921
Keywords: Mass shooting, louisville, Kentucky, John Wick, movie, violent movies, violent video games, violence, Taiwan, Joe Biden, militarism, war, threats, drones, healthcare, homelessness, poverty, police brutality, police
This Is the Military! No Violence Allowed!
Date: 12/29/2021
Views: 9013
Donald Trump Blesses the US with the Gift of Truth in Advertising
Date: 01/17/2018
Views: 12175
Keywords: Barack Obama, advertising, motto, el pluribus unum, lenta stercore victus, loser, war pigs, black sabbath, music, cd, pirate flag, jolly roger, flag, national symbols, trump, ugly, racist, violent, foreign policy, china, immigration debate, rice, starving
Bad Press
Date: 06/29/2016
Views: 7851
Keywords: racism, Donald Trump, establishment, 2016 presidential campaign, Mexicans, Mexico, wall, border wall, violence, violent, racist, idiotic
Running to the Right of a Fascist
Date: 03/07/2016
Views: 10367
Keywords: 2016 presidential campaign, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Donald Trump, fascist, fascism, waterboarding, torture, racist, nativist, violent, authoritarian, pro-choice, abortion, FINO. right-wing, extremism, Republican primaries
Nicey Words
Date: 02/02/2011
Views: 9700
Keywords: Homelessness, Poverty, Poor, Anger, Tucson Shootings, Rage, Obama, Stay Calm, Violent Political Rhetoric, Robert Gibbs, Salary Gaffe
The Music Critics
Date: 11/21/1996
Views: 8844