Keyword Album: Godwin's Law
Date: 03/28/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 4 items
Victims Must Unite With Their Oppressors
Date: 07/13/2016
Views: 11505
Keywords: Black Lives Matter, police shootings, Dallas police shooting, violence, Nazism, Godwin's Law, Adolf Hitler, Germans, Germany, Jews, Gestapo, SS, historical analogy, common ground, moderation
Date: 05/09/2016
Views: 5870
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About "Terrprist Chatter"
Date: 08/09/2013
Views: 13885
Keywords: war on terror, terrorism, Internet, chat rooms, text messaging, phones, NSA, embassy closings, National Security Agency, radical Islam, Koran, trolls, Godwin's Law, scams, Nigerian scams, listicles, burqas, virgins, grumpy cat, New Yorker cartoon
Collective Shrug
Date: 06/14/2013
Views: 10175
Keywords: Godwin's Law, Nazis, Holocaust, gassing, Jews, NSA, National Security Agency, PRISM program, domestic surveillance, espionage, privacy, public outrage