Keyword Album: Ra
Date: 03/11/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 4044 items
Victims Must Unite With Their Oppressors
Date: 07/13/2016
Views: 11364
Keywords: Black Lives Matter, police shootings, Dallas police shooting, violence, Nazism, Godwin's Law, Adolf Hitler, Germans, Germany, Jews, Gestapo, SS, historical analogy, common ground, moderation
If Equal Justice Were a Real Thing
Date: 07/12/2016
Views: 12796
Keywords: race relations, racism, white cops, policemen, police shootings, Black Lives Matter, cops, police, internal affairs departments, district attorneys, prosecutors, justice system, jurors, juries, grand juries, Dallas police shootings, media, propaganda
Dead or Alive or Maybe
Date: 07/07/2016
Views: 8663
The Democrat Who Cried Trump!
Date: 07/05/2016
Views: 9265
Keywords: Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, 2016 presidential campaign, boy who cried wolf, fairy tale, rethuglican lite, DINO, republican in name only, Barack Obama, hope poster, drones, surveillance, NSA
Bad Press
Date: 06/29/2016
Views: 7761
Keywords: racism, Donald Trump, establishment, 2016 presidential campaign, Mexicans, Mexico, wall, border wall, violence, violent, racist, idiotic
No Fly/No Gun
Date: 06/27/2016
Views: 11894
Keywords: do not fly list, Democrats, Occupy House, gun control, guns, suffix, name, TSA, Transportation Safety Administration, airport security, gun rights, NRA, Second Amendment rights, Ted Kennedy, Cat Stevens, weapons, explosives, terrorist watch list
Why Doesn't She Change?
Date: 06/23/2016
Views: 8242
Keywords: compromise, Hillary Clinton, two-party system, Donald Trump, 2016 presidential campaign, vote, voting, Wall Street, Iraq, Syria, Libya
That man is Dangerous
Date: 06/20/2016
Views: 8898
Keywords: NSA, National Security Agencym domestic surveillance, Gitmo, Guantamamo Bay concentration camp, golf, president, Obama, drones, droning, UAVs, Donald Trump, dangerous, human rights
ISIS Claims Responsibility for Trump and Clinton
Date: 06/14/2016
Views: 8122
Keywords: Donald Trump, Orlando, mass shooting, gay rights, homophobia, ISIS, Islamic State, responsibility, racial profiling, Hillary Clinton, Pulse nightclub, lunacy, style