Keyword Album: deportation
Date: 03/28/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 32 items
You Might Just Be an ICE Deportation Goon If...
Date: 03/06/2017
Views: 10238
Keywords: Immigrations and customs enforcement, ICE, homeland security, Donald Trump, Mass deportation, anne Frank, Germans, Nazis, Nazism, night of the Long knives, lines, prison, Illegal immigrants
First Trump Came For Just About Everyone, But I Said Nothing
Date: 02/27/2017
Views: 7807
Keywords: mass deportations, Trump, illegal immgirants, green card holder, recycling, photo, selfie, drones, pepper spray, ICE, Niemoller
Under Trump's Rules, Just About Anyone Could Be Deported
Date: 02/24/2017
Views: 5723
Does a Presidential Tweet Fall in the Woods?
Date: 12/08/2016
Views: 12406
Keywords: Twitter, social media, tweets, Donald Trump, journalists, editors, journalism, media, press conferences, Martial law, anti-semitism, Muslims, Islamophobia, Deportations
Trump's Maniacal First 100 Days
Date: 07/18/2016
Views: 9536
Keywords: First 100 Days, Donald Trump, 2016 presidential campaign, press, media, journalism, White House, editors, Muslims, deportation, racism, North Korea, war
Date: 05/16/2016
Views: 13944
Keywords: ICE, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Donald Trump, 11, 000, 11 million, illegal immigration, illegal immigrants, undocumented workers, Mexicans, Mexico, Latinos, Hispanics, deportations, fascism, Holocaust, Nazism, roundups, round-ups
Moderate Republicans, For What They're Worth
Date: 12/04/2015
Views: 12142
Keywords: Moderate Republicans, Rockefeller Republicans, Nazis, mass deportations, Donald Trump, 2016 presidential campaign, gay rights, gay marriage, abortion, feminism, fascism, torture
Jail Deportations
Date: 05/15/2015
Views: 11266
Keywords: Los Angeles Times, supervisors, county jails, local cartoon, immigration, ICE, deportations, PEP program, jail, prison, illegal immigration
Date: 04/16/2014
Views: 5788