Keyword Album: education
Date: 03/28/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 123 items
There's Still One Thing That America Is Good at
Date: 01/04/2021
Views: 14365
Keywords: Militarism, war, military budget, veto, Donald Trump, insurance, labs, pandemic, COVID-19, healthcare, stimulus, bail out, ventilation, schools, education, children, future, Congress
Finally, the Reason Congress Doesn't Care About You Even One Little Bit
Date: 03/22/2019
Views: 9991
Keywords: representative democracy, congress, income, salaries, wage gap, economics, rent, food, gas, doctors, education, prices, global warming, environment, climate change, polar bear, Trump, tweet
Trump Goes After the Guys Who Become Girls In Order to Sue for Sex Discrimination
Date: 10/26/2018
Views: 10194
Keywords: transgender, Title IX, education, sex discrimination, LGBT, LGBTQA, balls, penises, foreskins, labia, estrogen, systemic ridicule, discrimination, violence, gaming the system, clever ruse, Donald Trump, transphobia, sexism
Date: 02/07/2017
Views: 9837
Date: 06/03/2015
Views: 12441
Keywords: Mike Huckabee, ANewDomain, 2016 presidential campaign, education, LGBTQA, trans people, transgendered, Bruce Jenner, Caitlyn Jenner, showers, evolution, science
The Politics of Destruction
Date: 10/16/2017
Views: 15229
Keywords: politics, destruction, DLC, corporate Democrats, Hillary Clinton, Obamacare, corporations, extremism, Donald Trump, destroy, wreck, ruin, Iran, healthcare, ACA, North Korea, education, immigrants, xenophobia, environment, planeyt, LGBTQ, gays
We Have Met "The Other" And They Are Us
Date: 10/11/2017
Views: 8193
Keywords: hurricane maria, puerto rico, territory, guam, geography, ignorance, education, foreign aid, sympathy, the other, philosophy, new mexico, core value, north korea, defense, war
Take It From Me: Who Uses Your Bathroom Is So Not a Big Deal
Date: 03/02/2017
Views: 8025
Keywords: bathroom bill, transgender rights, restroom, Trump, LGBT, Columbia University, dorm, coeducation, John Jay Hall, summer session, personal experience, stalls
There's Richness in Diversity
Date: 12/04/2016
Views: 14003
Keywords: Betsy DeVos, Steven Mnuchin., Wilbur Ross, Jeff Sessions, Michael T. Flynn, Stephen K. Bannon, Donald Trump, cabinet, diversity, tokenism, billionaire, racist, education, military, Wall Street, Hollywood, Goldman Sachs, Republican, right wing