Keyword Album: John Boehner
Date: 03/28/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 15 items
The Party of Yes Sir, May I Please Have Another
Date: 12/06/2016
Views: 14272
Keywords: John Boehner, Barack Obama, Republicans, filibustering, party of no, Donald Trump, Andrew Cuomo, capitulation, common ground, cooperation, infrastructure, death camp, construction, sell out, wimp, useless, ineffective
Date: 02/13/2015
Views: 8757
Keywords: ISIS, airstrikes, Syria, Iraq, Congress, war, war powers act, constitution, Obama, John Boehner, Capitol Hill, separation of powers, blood
Middle School Politics
Date: 09/26/2014
Views: 7642
Keywords: John Boehner, Democrat slur, Democratic, boner, ISIS, ISIL, bullying, namecalling, Myamnar, Burma, junior high school, Rush Limbaugh, Obama, Biden
Bipartisanship Lives
Date: 05/23/2014
Views: 15114
Keywords: Democrats, Republicans, John McCain, Barack Obama, USA Freedom Bill, NSA, telephony metadata, spying, torture, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Gitmo, drones, death camps, John Boehner, House of Representatives, war, militarism, bipartisanship
How a Bill Becomes Law - Updated
Date: 10/14/2013
Views: 13487
Keywords: government, Congress, debt limit crisis, government shutdown, Washington, Obama, John Boehner, dysfunction, legislation, law, bill, filibuster, corporate lobbyists, USA-Patriot Act, Affordable Care Act, healthcare, Obamacare, lobbyists, corruption
The New Abnormal
Date: 10/19/2013
Views: 9946
Keywords: Obama, debt limit crisis, government shutdown, federal budget, dysfunction, Congress, GOP, John Boehner, Republican Party, Ted Cruz, Starbucks, chair, kiss
The Ransom of Red Party
Date: 10/12/2013
Views: 12725
Keywords: debt limit crisis, government shutdown, Republicans, Tea Party, hostage, O. Henry, Red Chief, literary reference, bills, class warfare, John Boehner, GOP
Date: 06/27/2013
Views: 11333
Keywords: Torture, national security agency, NASA, Edward Snowden, Pres. Obama, Guantanamo, aquastani, waterboarding, enhanced interrogation techniques, Pfc. Bradley Manning, WikiLeaks, House majority speaker John Boehner, national conversation
Mutual Assured Governance
Date: 03/01/2013
Views: 8676