Keyword Album: Islamophobia
Date: 03/28/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 4 items
Date: 05/26/2017
Views: 12921
Keywords: Sputnik News, burqa, United Kingdom, UK Independence Party, Muslims, Islam, Islamophobia, clothes, Kevlar, solder, troops, Middle East, Afghanistan, drones
Does a Presidential Tweet Fall in the Woods?
Date: 12/08/2016
Views: 12406
Keywords: Twitter, social media, tweets, Donald Trump, journalists, editors, journalism, media, press conferences, Martial law, anti-semitism, Muslims, Islamophobia, Deportations
Grabbing Fascism by the Pussy
Date: 10/13/2016
Views: 9544
Keywords: Donald Trump, grab, pussy, 2016 presidential election, Nazis, and off Hitler, media, press, violence, religious man, Islamophobia, 1933, storm troopers, open microphone, access Hollywood
The Anatomy of Antisemitism Explained
Date: 08/04/2006
Views: 6059