Keyword Album: auto
Date: 02/23/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 64 items
Is There an Inverse Relationship between the Stock Market and Presidential Sanity?
Date: 01/04/2018
Views: 10466
Keywords: presidents, stock market, NYSE, Richard Nixon, Bill Clinton, paranoid alcoholic, lying womanizer, soulless automaton, Barack Obama, Dow Jones Industrial Average, DJIA, reckless narcissist, psychotic cannibal, capitalism
Here Come the Robo-Bankers
Date: 11/16/2017
Views: 8173
Keywords: Deutsche Bank, robots, Robo bankers, Feelings, AI, artificial intelligence, human resources, HR, termination, terminator, psychology, automation, banking
Date: 10/18/2017
Views: 6901
We, Robots
Date: 12/13/2016
Views: 10342
Keywords: Liu Cixin, New York Times, op/ed, robots, robotics, automation, industrial revolution, dystopia, dystopian, unemployment, deindustrialization, utopia, utopian, social welfare, politicians
Rotten Roads
Date: 07/02/2015
Views: 17417
Keywords: Los Angeles Times, local cartoon, California, highways, freeways, streets, roads, driving, cars, automobiles, infrastructure, taxes, beer, hats, bat, Malibu, Lamborghini, work
Date: 07/12/2015
Views: 9370
Keywords: robocalls, Texas, automation, CEO, Time Warner Cable, unemployment, poverty, harassment, corporations, Lafite, wine, dinner time, collections
The A La Carte Society
Date: 06/22/2015
Views: 8188
Keywords: Hillary Clinton, first woman president, 2016 presidential election, autobahn, Hitler, Volkswagon, Jews, Iraq War, Germans, Supreme Court, ethics
The Plan
Date: 04/10/2015
Views: 15736
Keywords: Los Angeles times, California, environment, local cartoon, Mayor, Eric Garcetti, greenhouse gas emissions, drought, electric cars, climate change, automobiles, cars, Godzilla, monster, Pacific Ocean, religion, God, human extinction
Monkey Parking
Date: 01/13/2015
Views: 14588
Keywords: MonkeyParking, Monkey Parking, Los Angeles Times, local cartoon, sidewalk, streets, driving, cars, trucks, motorists, automobiles, turn lanes, one-percenters, parking spaces, sharing economy, apps