Keyword Album: c
Date: 03/12/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 6475 items
To Be Honest, Trump Was A Logical Next Step
Date: 02/17/2017
Views: 7049
Keywords: Germany, Hitler, Hazis, Bach, Beethoven, Brecht, Einstein, Kant, World War II, Trump, civilized, WWE, monster trucks, trash culture
Leftie Trump
Date: 02/07/2017
Views: 11790
Keywords: Donald Trump, leftists, liberals, socialists, alternative facts, alternate universe, Derrick Jensen, EPA, Defense, David Swanson, peace, pacifism, Iran, Chelsea Manning, DNI, National Intelligence, secretary of state, socialized medicine, Obamacare, repea
Lying Liars and the Voters Who Miss Them
Date: 02/09/2017
Views: 9305
Keywords: campaign promises, Donald Trump, border wall, hombre, Mexico, vacations, golfing, lazy, lying, drones, nativism, xenophobia
It's My Party And You'll Marry It If I Want To
Date: 02/11/2017
Views: 8334
Keywords: wiccan, poly, transgender, social, marriage, love, in-laws, Democrats, Republicans, polarization, political parties
Fighting Like It's 1933
Date: 02/13/2017
Views: 9612
Keywords: 1933, Hitler, Trump, Democrats, resistance, hypocritical, revenge, Nazi, Bernie Sanders, normalization, courtesy, Gitmo, Guantanamo, ovens, infrastructure, common ground, transition of power
You're Gonna Miss Him Whether You Like Him Or Not
Date: 02/15/2017
Views: 9030
Keywords: Donald Trump, Barack Obama, Mexico, Iran, miss, president, Libya, Syria, torture, scot-free, torturers, Democrats, liberals
On Trump's Muslim Ban, No Good Guys
Date: 02/02/2017
Views: 7749
Keywords: Trump, Muslim ban, Silicon Valley, big tech, technology, H1B visa program, plane ticket, Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, bigotry, free trade, outsourcing
Checks and Balances Will Protect You Against Trump
Date: 01/30/2017
Views: 9479
Keywords: checks and balances, Trump, airport, ICE, immigration, refugees, Muslim travel ban, executive orders, Supreme Court, appeals, traveler, human rights, visa, constititionality, historians, lawsuit
American Heroes in the Age of Trump
Date: 01/25/2017
Views: 13647
Keywords: heroes, ethics, GOP, Republicans, militarism, soldiers, Donald Trump, Barack Obama, transition of power, journalists, media, reporters, fascism, fascists, Democrats, Congress