Keyword Album: Illegal immigrants
Date: 03/28/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 18 items
In an Alternative Universe, There Is a Trump Who Cares About Us, and We Care About Things That Matter
Date: 04/20/2018
Views: 15211
Keywords: Impeachment, Donald Trump, media, journalism, Robert Mueller, FBI, political police, CIA, Mexico, border wall, illegal immigrants, communist revolution, income disparity, Russia investigation, climate change, retirement crisis, student loans, evidence, lo
Date: 05/04/2016
Views: 10416
Keywords: Donald Trump. Forbes, Cartoon of the Day, Mexico, wall, immigration, great wall of trump, restaurant, tequila, holidays, Mexicans, illegal immigration, illegal immigrants, undocumented workers, fifth of May
Liberal Listening Tour
Date: 06/05/2017
Views: 11528
Keywords: bubble, 2016 presidential election, liberals, listening, Trump, Midwest, heartland, Mexicans, illegal immigrants, global warming, climate change, angels, Saddam, 9/11, Obama, Muslim
You Might Just Be an ICE Deportation Goon If...
Date: 03/06/2017
Views: 10238
Keywords: Immigrations and customs enforcement, ICE, homeland security, Donald Trump, Mass deportation, anne Frank, Germans, Nazis, Nazism, night of the Long knives, lines, prison, Illegal immigrants
Trump Loves Mexicans So Much He's Willing To Trap Them Here
Date: 10/03/2016
Views: 9740
Keywords: Air-conditioning, American Southwest, border, illegal immigration, illegal immigrants, migraines, nativism, bigotry, Donald Trump, 2016 presidential campaign, Mexico, wall, border wall, taco bowl
Date: 05/16/2016
Views: 13944
Keywords: ICE, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Donald Trump, 11, 000, 11 million, illegal immigration, illegal immigrants, undocumented workers, Mexicans, Mexico, Latinos, Hispanics, deportations, fascism, Holocaust, Nazism, roundups, round-ups
Deferred Action on Immigrants
Date: 02/17/2015
Views: 16175
Keywords: Obama, Jeh Johnson, illegal immigrants, undocumented workers, coupon, Homeland Security, Los Angeles Times, local cartoon, California, Homesec, federal court, Republicans, expanded deferred action program
Spaced Out
Date: 07/28/2014
Views: 9762
Keywords: Marco Rubio, illegal immigrants, Honduras, population density, border crisis, children, United Kingdom, Britain, France, Switzerland, Germany, 2016 presidential campaign, immigration
Date: 04/22/2014
Views: 12176
Keywords: Los Angeles Times, local cartoon, immigration, administrative hearings, bureaucracy, illegal immigrants, asylum, due process, delays, jail, prison