Keyword Album: evil
Date: 03/28/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 56 items
Best System Ever
Date: 08/21/2017
Views: 9124
Keywords: accountability, political system, media, nonviolence, neo-Nazis, Unite the Right, Charlotteville, Nazis, Trump, click suicide, news, James Kelly, Chief of Staff, congress
Such a Terrible Agenda...And So Much Dysfunction
Date: 06/28/2017
Views: 7676
Keywords: joke, deportations, healthcare, Trump, agenda, media, dysfunction, portions, meal, restaurant, evil
Here's the Weird Anti-Terrorist Trash Talk That Stayed on Donald Trump's Cutting Room Floor After the Manchester Attack
Date: 05/26/2017
Views: 10317
Keywords: Evil losers, ISIS, Manchester terrorist attack, middle school, trash talk, Donald Trump, rhetoric, infantile, dorks, fatties, insults, fags, Rosie O'Donnell, dummies, nerds, junior high school, spazzes, dweebs, suck
How a Law is Made: Trump Edition
Date: 03/08/2017
Views: 10638
Keywords: Donald Trump, lawmaking, legislation, Congress, bills, executive orders, constitution, unconstitutional, gavel, good stuff, bad stuff, band, cat, heart, birth, pollution, drums, bombs, evil, good, democracy
Everyone Is Voting For Trump
Date: 08/08/2016
Views: 5647
The Logic of Lesser Evilism
Date: 07/27/2016
Views: 9216
Keywords: Donald Trump, 2016 Democratic national convention, lesser evil, Hillary Clinton, David Duke, Klansman, KKK, futurism, monster, alien, Space alien, fascism, warmonger, David Swanson
Hillary's Campaign in Crisis, Again
Date: 01/18/2016
Views: 6544
Softened Up
Date: 12/19/2015
Views: 5810
Best System Ever
Date: 04/22/2015
Views: 10127