Keyword Album: cars
Date: 03/28/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 58 items
Date: 06/18/2015
Views: 11400
Keywords: California, Labor Commission, Uber, Travis Kalanick, labor, Google Cars, Eric Schmidt, cafe tech douche, contractors, employees, The Kernel, The Daily Dot
Date: 07/24/2015
Views: 10825
Date: 10/18/2017
Views: 7057
The United States of Entropy
Date: 03/15/2017
Views: 9556
Keywords: Entropy, optimism, pessimism, physics, Obamacare, ACA, affordable care act, Healthcare, environment, fuel missions standards, cars, George W. Bush, nostalgia
Portraits of the Candidates with Their Favorite Deities
Date: 11/09/2015
Views: 12556
Keywords: 2016 presidential election, Ben Carson, Jesus, portrait, religion, Christianity, Donald Trump, ego, Jeb Bush, Carly Fiorina, layoffs, grim reaper, death, HR, Hewlett Packard, Marco Rubio, MasterCard, India, customer service rep, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sa
Sometimes You Feel Like Electing a Nut
Date: 10/23/2015
Views: 16191
Keywords: Donald Trump, Ben Carson, Republican primaries, Barack Obama, 2016 presidential campaign, Paul Ryan, House Speaker, NSA, National Security Agency, Edward Snowden, domestic surveillance, drones, UAVs, Predators, Kunduz hospital bombing, MSF, Doctors Withou
Government a la Carte
Date: 09/21/2015
Views: 14090
Keywords: Kentucky, gay marriage, Kim Davis, DMV, Madagascar, military, army, drones, freedom, SUV, cars, pollution, environment, technically, IRS, taxes, black, racism, police brutality
Chris Christie for Prez
Date: 06/30/2015
Views: 9500
Rotten Roads
Date: 07/02/2015
Views: 17760
Keywords: Los Angeles Times, local cartoon, California, highways, freeways, streets, roads, driving, cars, automobiles, infrastructure, taxes, beer, hats, bat, Malibu, Lamborghini, work