Keyword Album: Ra
Date: 12/20/2024
Owner: Guest
Size: 4014 items
Crazy White Guys Seething With Rage
Date: 04/03/2017
Views: 7029
Keywords: rage, anger, Oval Office, Donald Trump, Stephen Bannon, Steve Bannon, Maryanne Conway, Sean Spicer, Secret Service, alcoholic, booze, def-con 4, defcon 4, maniacs, hostile, hostility
Data From a Truck
Date: 04/05/2017
Views: 7217
Keywords: Donald Trump, telecommunications companies, Verizon, Comcast, AT&T, privacy, surveillance, data tracking, Edward Snowden, truck, trenchcoat, data, sell, camera
The Russians Are Coming...Maybe
Date: 03/31/2017
Views: 7242
Keywords: Wikileaks, Bernie Sanders, DNC, hacks, leaks, Democratic National Committee, global warming, alternative facts, Maryanne Conway, impeachment, Trump
Two Days of Rage
Date: 03/27/2017
Views: 10631
Keywords: Impotent, left, progressive, liberal's, women's march, symbolism, movement, laziness, millennial, inauguration, riots, Washington, district of Columbia, DC, White House, Donald Trump, protests, demonstrations, resistance
The Democratic Resistance
Date: 03/29/2017
Views: 7739
Keywords: French resistance, resistance, Donald Trump, Democrats, Democratic National Committee, World War II, swing districts, redistricting, collaborators, donors, wimps
Donald Trump Really Can Solve All Your Problems
Date: 03/20/2017
Views: 8414
Keywords: graves, Trumpcare, ACA, Obamacare, health insurance, healthcare, blacks, racism, promise, campaign promise kept, repeal and replace
The Republicans' Political Suicide
Date: 03/17/2017
Views: 11987
Keywords: Trumpcare, ACA, Affordable Care Act, Obamacare, political suicide, Paul Ryan, Ryancare, repeal and replace, healthcare, millennials, generations, GOP, Florida, old, Republicans, Donald Trump, Demopcrats, cowardice, timidity
Donald Trump Finds Out the CIA Has Been Spying On Him
Date: 03/10/2017
Views: 8950
Keywords: Central intelligence agency, CIA, domestic surveillance, weeping angel, WikiLeaks, Edward Snowden, privacy, Julian Assange, Donald Trump, Russians, David Duke, taxes
You Might Just Be an ICE Deportation Goon If...
Date: 03/06/2017
Views: 9633
Keywords: Immigrations and customs enforcement, ICE, homeland security, Donald Trump, Mass deportation, anne Frank, Germans, Nazis, Nazism, night of the Long knives, lines, prison, Illegal immigrants