Keyword Album: hack
Date: 02/24/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 50 items
Mean and Stupid Ain't Enough
Date: 04/10/2017
Views: 7672
The Russians Are Coming...Maybe
Date: 03/31/2017
Views: 7508
Keywords: Wikileaks, Bernie Sanders, DNC, hacks, leaks, Democratic National Committee, global warming, alternative facts, Maryanne Conway, impeachment, Trump
Date: 01/18/2017
Views: 7597
2003 All Over Again
Date: 10/24/2016
Views: 11051
Keywords: Russia, Iraq, Cold War, 2016 presidential campaign, Democratic National Committee, Russian hackers, DNC, Al Qaeda, Missiles, WMDs, weapons of mass destruction, sabre rattling, logic
Santa Claus, 2015 Edition
Date: 12/22/2015
Views: 9212
Keywords: Santa Claus, Christianity, myths, religion, climate change, polar ice cap, slush, elves, keyless entry systems, hacking, H1B visas, plastic island, ocean, ISIS, NSA
Date: 05/28/2015
Views: 9759
Keywords: The Kernel, The Daily Dot, pizza, security questions, hackers, hacking, IRS, Internet security, food, liver, ice cream
Twitter Hack
Date: 01/13/2015
Views: 9322
Keywords: Breaking Modern, hackers, Pentagon, Obama, president, Pinterest, Twitter, YouTube, Defcon 2, virtual war, hell, cyberwar
Future Hacks
Date: 12/31/2014
Views: 11737
Keywords: Daily Dot, Kernel, freelance cartoon, hacking, North Korea, Sony, Internet of Things, IOT, CES, WTF, car, brain, computers, crime, Nest, thermostat, house
Year End Trash
Date: 12/23/2014
Views: 12835
Keywords: Los Angeles Times, local cartoon, trash, garbage, refuse, litter, streets, North Korea, Sony hackers, earthquake faults, San Andreas fault, DNA, street cameras, punishment