Here's the Weird Anti-Terrorist Trash Talk That Stayed on Donald Trump's Cutting Room Floor After the Manchester Attack
Date: 05/26/2017
Views: 10333
Keywords: Evil losers, ISIS, Manchester terrorist attack, middle school, trash talk, Donald Trump, rhetoric, infantile, dorks, fatties, insults, fags, Rosie O'Donnell, dummies, nerds, junior high school, spazzes, dweebs, suck
Middle School Politics
Date: 09/26/2014
Views: 7654
Keywords: John Boehner, Democrat slur, Democratic, boner, ISIS, ISIL, bullying, namecalling, Myamnar, Burma, junior high school, Rush Limbaugh, Obama, Biden
Robert's Flu
Date: 06/08/1998
Views: 15716
Keywords: tracking, french, junior high school, middle school, education, robert, destiny, fate, college-track classes, college, northwest dade community colleg, job, polymer eradication, quiet riot, feel the noise, drinking, pregnant, sex and relationships, family