Keyword Album: c
Date: 03/10/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 6475 items
Women Are Pissed Off At Uber, But Will They Switch To Lyft?
Date: 06/21/2017
Views: 8019
Keywords: Eric Holder, Uber, Uber X, Uber Pool, Travis Kalanick, sexism, women, taxi, misogyny, Silicon Valley, bro culture, discrimination, social activism
The U.S. Is Shocked Shocked Shocked! That Russia May Have Meddled With Our Election
Date: 06/19/2017
Views: 11205
Keywords: Russia, meddling, 2016 presidential election, hypocrisy, scandalous, occupation, coup, foreign policy, drones, Middle East, militarism, soldiers, wars, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Iraq
Forget What The DNC Leaks Say, Kill the Leakers!
Date: 06/15/2017
Views: 8535
Keywords: leak, hack, Russia, 2016 presidential election, Hillary Clinton, DNC, WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, Democratic National Committee, Bernie Sanders, Democratic primaries, hate
Et Tu, Glenn Greenwald?
Date: 06/12/2017
Views: 8309
Keywords: Reality Leigh Winner, whistleblower, NSA, National Security Agency, The Intercept, Glenn Greenwald, CIA, government, Orwell, 1984, betrayal, journalism, Julian Assange, Russia
Cops Gone Wild
Date: 06/14/2017
Views: 7756
Keywords: police brutality, Jersey City, New Jersey, fire, chase, abuse, Carmine Disbrow, Jersey City Police Officers Benevolent Association, elegant, cops, police union
Thrilla in Vanilla
Date: 06/08/2017
Views: 5212
Liberal Listening Tour
Date: 06/05/2017
Views: 11366
Keywords: bubble, 2016 presidential election, liberals, listening, Trump, Midwest, heartland, Mexicans, illegal immigrants, global warming, climate change, angels, Saddam, 9/11, Obama, Muslim
Tiger Woods' "DUI"
Date: 06/07/2017
Views: 5767
Donald Trump Wants To Ruin Bigger and Bigger Things
Date: 06/02/2017
Views: 4916