Keyword Album: medical
Date: 12/18/2024
Owner: Guest
Size: 45 items
Everyone Hates Obamacare. So It's Working.
Date: 06/25/2021
Views: 12309
Keywords: ACA, Obamacare, affordable care act, healthcare, medical, corporate sellout, socialism, socialist takeover, democracy, compromise, hatred
How You Can Survive on $1400
Date: 03/24/2021
Views: 10603
Keywords: Stimulus bill, stimulus package, Joe Biden stimulus, foamcore, cat food, $1400, back rent, lockdown, COVID-19, coronavirus, medical bills, healthcare
True Horror, Courtesy of the Cabinet of Dr. Biden
Date: 03/10/2021
Views: 10141
Keywords: Joe Manchin, West Virginia, Joe Biden, medical, hospital, euthanasia, means testing, rich, Pete Buttigieg, Janet Yellen, Congress, cabinet, coronavirus, COVID-19, stimulus bill
I'm Not Sure Whether I Really Want the Vaccine or I Really Want to Evade It
Date: 12/08/2020
Views: 9994
Keywords: COVID-19, coronavirus, vaccine, FDA approval, rush job, salesmanship, propaganda, medical, doctors office, doctor, patient
Back to Normal
Date: 10/01/2020
Views: 7951
Keywords: Normality, police brutality, Black Lives Matter, racism, healthcare, affordable care act, medical, health insurance, militarism, war, bombing, Afghanistan, President Biden, brunch, oblivious
If Medicare-for-All Were a War, No One Would Ask: How Do We Pay It?
Date: 11/11/2019
Views: 8408
Keywords: Global warming, green new deal, climate change, fossil fuels, environment, budget, financing, government, congressman, Medicare for all, medical care, revenue neutral, college tuition, deficit, militarism, war, no object, off the books
What Americans Want More Than Anything Else is Donald Trump's Tax Return
Date: 11/16/2018
Views: 11428
Keywords: Donald Trump, tax returns, subpoena, Democrats, House of Representatives, 2018 midterm elections, Afghanistan, bombing, pass-through avoidance entities, medical bills, affordable care act, child separation policy, illegal immigration, homelessness, food
The Evolution of Trumpcare
Date: 07/18/2017
Views: 7153
Date: 05/12/2017
Views: 7135